Toddler Attempts Brain Removal but Finds It Missing

Tenacious is one of the best words I have in my pencil box of words to describe two year old human children. No matter the consequences or how dangerous something might be, the promise of fun takes over and their mushy brains stop functioning in a normal human way. Think pleasure seeking slug…except faster and… Continue reading Toddler Attempts Brain Removal but Finds It Missing

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Psych Nurses Shouldn’t Be Rude

When it comes to shrinks and therapists, I’m not of the opinion all should be flowers, rainbows and sparkly unicorns. In order to make any sort of progress, you have to do the hard work – the uncomfortable work – required to achieve your goals and sometimes that means you don’t like your mental health… Continue reading Psych Nurses Shouldn’t Be Rude

I’m Harpyesque

I’ve come to accept in the last couple of days that I’m a hollerer. I start out quiet [Or, as quiet as I can be; I’m pretty loud all the time.] and then escalate to something around the decibel region of a tornado siren. I don’t mean to go there…to that place. I would much rather be… Continue reading I’m Harpyesque

Word of the Day: Labile

la·bile[/ˈlāˌbīl/ /-bəl/] adj. Liable to change; easily altered Of or characterized by emotions that are easily aroused or freely expressed, and that tend to alter quickly and spontaneously; emotionally unstable Easily broken down or displaced [Origin: C15: via Late Latin lābilis, from Latin lābī to slide, slip] I’m in a labile mood at the moment. It’s like I need to change; I’m on… Continue reading Word of the Day: Labile

Grammar Nazi

I’m one of those especially annoying people who correct what other people say. The compulsion isn’t as bad as it used to be – now I usually just correct stuff in mah head. I blame that compulsion on my mom because she’s an easy target [Hi, Mom!] and she isn’t nearly as good as me… Continue reading Grammar Nazi

Steve Carrell and Laughing at Ranch

It’s amazing what there is to write about when I actually get out of the house. On Friday, I met with a psychologist to talk about medication for mah crazy. First off, the guy didn’t shake my hand. Maybe I’m weird, but when I first meet someone, especially in a professional setting, I expect my… Continue reading Steve Carrell and Laughing at Ranch

That Dream and That Next Sentence

In the spirit of writing, because I need to write and I haven’t written in a coon’s age – and when I say “written”, I mean really written anythingworthwhile – I’m writing. I have a book – since that’s what it needs to be – that came to me in a dream – I know.… Continue reading That Dream and That Next Sentence

Must Push Through

I woke up this morning, sat down with my laptop and coffee and started working on Sims 3 Gamer. Since I am not only the Editor-In-Chief [anyone else always thing that was Editor-AND-Chief] but also the web designer on the site, my job has been more on the web design side and less on the… Continue reading Must Push Through

Better Than Dr. Psuedo Freud

Today was my much waited for new shrink appointment. Actually, she’s a LPC [Licensed Professional Counselor] but “shrink” easier to say so I’m gonna stick with that. The office [though it kind of resembled a really nice prison] was freakin’ huge and the staff was pleasant. A very nice change from some of the shrinks’ offices… Continue reading Better Than Dr. Psuedo Freud