Kindergarten: One Week Gone

Cara After School 8.28.12

We have officially made it through our first week of kindergarten and we’re all in one piece. Life has gone on. None of us have been stumbling around like zombies in search of juicy brains. I’m just as surprised as you. Yesterday was the first day Cara was excited about school when I picked her… Continue reading Kindergarten: One Week Gone

Cara’s First Day of Kindergarten

Cara at her desk first day of kindergarten

Today is the first day Cara has ever been anywhere other than with me or with our family. Well, there was this one time when she stayed with our friends, Alana and Parker, but she’s known them since she was an infant. Today was Cara’s first day of school. Kindergarten. And, yes, I am going to… Continue reading Cara’s First Day of Kindergarten

Back To School Wardrobe for Cara the Kindergartener

Yo Gaba Gaba Kid Dancing

Up until this year, we’ve never had to worry too much about what either of the kids wore. Sure they had a couple of “dressy” outfits but, for the most part, they hang out in t-shirts. Sometimes they fall asleep in their clothes and wake up the next day fully clothed and Tucker and I… Continue reading Back To School Wardrobe for Cara the Kindergartener