Recipe: Homemade Pancakes From Homemade Instant Pancake Mix

Homemade Instant Pancake Mix

Believe it or not, your pancakes won’t stick to your pan if the pan is hot enough. Promise. I made 12 of these bad boys Saturday and not a one stuck. I didn’t think it was possible either but I listened to the wise man who is Alton Brown and he didn’t let me down.… Continue reading Recipe: Homemade Pancakes From Homemade Instant Pancake Mix

On Pack Structure and Turkeys


She who makes the turkey is the head bitch. In the South, holiday meal preparation is an example of pack structure in action.  The head bitch [usually the eldest woman] coordinates all of the subordinate bitches’ activities.  The head bitch is also responsible for baking the turkey and/or ham (One large source of protein is… Continue reading On Pack Structure and Turkeys