Easy Chocolate Yogurt Cookies Recipe

Easy Chocolate Yogurt Cookies

I’m not a big fan of sweets or chocolate; bacon and ribeyes are my idea of comfort food. Something tells me my “girl card” is in danger of being revoked. But I could eat these cookies all day long. They’re a little crisp around the edges and gooey in the middle and are heaven when… Continue reading Easy Chocolate Yogurt Cookies Recipe

Personal Sized Crustless Quiche Recipe

Personal Sized Crustless Quiche Recipe

One of the many things I stressed about as I was preparing myself for Cara to start kindergarten was breakfast. I wanted her to eat something more than sugary cereal–which I worried wouldn’t keep her full–but I didn’t want to have to wake up any earlier than absolutely necessary. Enter make ahead and freeze breakfast… Continue reading Personal Sized Crustless Quiche Recipe

Mango Tomato Pico de Gallo Recipe

Mango Tomato Pico de Gallo Recipe
Mango Tomato Pico de Gallo Recipe

I’m in the process of making dinner–broiled tilapia tacosĀ and I had to stop to jot down this recipe so I don’t forget it. I’m sharing it with you because I love you…and I regularly use my own site to find food I’ve made in the past. But I love you. That’s what’s important. Best salsa… Continue reading Mango Tomato Pico de Gallo Recipe

Recipe: Roasted Bacon Chicken with Thyme and Garlic Yukon Gold Potatoes and Baby Carrots

Recipe: Roasted Bacon Chicken with Thyme Garlic Yukon Gold Potatoes and Baby Carrots

Roasted/baked chicken is probably one the easiest–and most impressive–things I cook…other than my Braided Egg Bread; that stuff looks amazing and is a cinch. I’m all about maximum payoff with minimum effort. Even if you don’t have the bacon–you should ALWAYS have bacon–this way of preparing a chicken will still work and is the way… Continue reading Recipe: Roasted Bacon Chicken with Thyme and Garlic Yukon Gold Potatoes and Baby Carrots