Kilbeggan Traditional Irish Whiskey Review and Cocktail Recipes

Kilbeggan Traditional Irish Whiskey

One of the perks of reviewing products is when the product I’m sent to review is some sort of alcohol. Cause seriously? You can’t beat that with a stick. Right? (Thank you, Molly, for being so patient with me. Molly’s the awesome lady who sent me this to review and life happened and it’s taken… Continue reading Kilbeggan Traditional Irish Whiskey Review and Cocktail Recipes

Recipe: Homemade Pancakes From Homemade Instant Pancake Mix

Homemade Instant Pancake Mix

Believe it or not, your pancakes won’t stick to your pan if the pan is hot enough. Promise. I made 12 of these bad boys Saturday and not a one stuck. I didn’t think it was possible either but I listened to the wise man who is Alton Brown and he didn’t let me down.… Continue reading Recipe: Homemade Pancakes From Homemade Instant Pancake Mix

Easy Chocolate Yogurt Cookies Recipe

Easy Chocolate Yogurt Cookies

I’m not a big fan of sweets or chocolate; bacon and ribeyes are my idea of comfort food. Something tells me my “girl card” is in danger of being revoked. But I could eat these cookies all day long. They’re a little crisp around the edges and gooey in the middle and are heaven when… Continue reading Easy Chocolate Yogurt Cookies Recipe

Personal Sized Crustless Quiche Recipe

Personal Sized Crustless Quiche Recipe

One of the many things I stressed about as I was preparing myself for Cara to start kindergarten was breakfast. I wanted her to eat something more than sugary cereal–which I worried wouldn’t keep her full–but I didn’t want to have to wake up any earlier than absolutely necessary. Enter make ahead and freeze breakfast… Continue reading Personal Sized Crustless Quiche Recipe

Day of the Dead Inspired Espolón Tequila Cocktails

Halloween is just about two weeks away and that means Day of the Dead [Dia de la Muerte] isn’t far behind. While the majority of Americans don’t celebrate Day of the Dead, I would wager a good percentage have heard of the holiday and/or seen the iconic sugar skulls. So maybe you don’t partake in… Continue reading Day of the Dead Inspired Espolón Tequila Cocktails

Autumn Ready Harvest Squash Flaxseed Bread

I know what you’re thinking. You saw “squash” and/or “flax seed” and you wanted to vomit. Please don’t throw up on my blog. Thanks. If I told you to trust me, would you? Sure you would! Have I ever led you astray. Actually, I don’t want to know the answer to that. Back to the… Continue reading Autumn Ready Harvest Squash Flaxseed Bread

On Pack Structure and Turkeys


She who makes the turkey is the head bitch. In the South, holiday meal preparation is an example of pack structure in action.  The head bitch [usually the eldest woman] coordinates all of the subordinate bitches’ activities.  The head bitch is also responsible for baking the turkey and/or ham (One large source of protein is… Continue reading On Pack Structure and Turkeys