Toddler NO LIKES Pediatrician

This past week has been filled with phone calls back to Cara and Ollie’s pediatrician in Arkansas. For what seems like an eternity [but it’s really only been about a month], they’ve both had ear infections and they both have been acting like the infections were back. The new pediatrician’s office here in Alabama refused… Continue reading Toddler NO LIKES Pediatrician

Side Boob


Wednesdays are supposed to be “Wordless Wednesdays”. The whole premise of the day is rather obvious – a wordless day with nothing but pictures.  However, as you may have noticed, I’m not too good at the whole “wordless” thing and by the time I finally get around to posting something on my personal site there… Continue reading Side Boob

Picture Day

Here is a shot of the Rose Damask Orange side of my Baby Hawk. My “serious” face is actually me realizing that while I cleaned the bathroom yesterday, I completely forgot to clean the mirror. This is the other side of the carrier. The pattern is called Cream Bascha.  Doesn’t that have a nice ring… Continue reading Picture Day